Happy Holiday and Hope you all have a Healthy and Happy 2016! Love, Mrs. Mac
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
Dear Families,
December 11, 2015
We are having lots of fun here in K-3 as we prepare for our upcoming special events. Please remember to send your child in their PJ’s on Monday December 14th!!! They are in for a treat!
As I said, we will be going to Young Shoppers Club on Thursday, December 17th.
Please send a list with your child for whom you would like them to buy gifts for and I can help them to purchase the items. You do not need to send in more than $10.00 with your child. Please let me know if you have any questions about this.
I sent home an invitation for the Holiday Concert. It looks like our entire class will be here so I am very excited. Please have your child wear their best Holiday Red ( we want to look really good!!)
K-3 will be on the far right of the stage if you are facing the stage so you can sit accordingly for the best view.
Today we had a very special treat thanks to Ms. Mitchell. She dressed up as St. Lucia and read us a beautiful and funny story about St. Lucia Day. She even shared some special stories of her own from memories of her childhood and memories of she made with her own children in honor of St.Lucia Day.. what a special day.
Our letter of the week was,”Vv”. Our tongue twister was, “Vincent visits Vicki to view a video.”
We continue to practice addition and to recognize, name and create 3-D shapes. Look for shapes around your home that your child can name. Maybe you even have some left over boxes or wrapping rolls that your child can create into something… Fun for them and will keep them busy while you are busy this time of year!!
Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you all Monday in your PJ’s!
Mrs. MacIntyre
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
K-3 News
Mrs. MacIntyre
You and Your Family are Cordially Invited to
Our Kindergarten Holiday Concert
Wednesday, December 23rd
Melrose School Multi-Purpose Room
Happy Holidays,
Aaron, Abigail, Annie, Blake, Bobby, Cooper, Grace, Kiley, Magnus, Mairead, Nick, Norah, Olivia, Joey, Zailyn
Friday, December 4, 2015
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Mrs. MacIntyre
K-3 Newsletter
Dear families,
December 4, 2015
Happy December! I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving with your family and friends. The students were very excited to bring home their Native American projects. I hope you enjoyed them and hopefully they were able to tell you about them and how we made everything!
We are moving swiftly into Holidays Around the World studies. The students will learn about Hanukkah, St. Lucia Day, La Posadas, Kwanzaa and Christmas.
On Monday December 14th the students can wear the PAJAMAS to school to celebrate the Polar Express book!
Thursday December 17th I will bring the class up to Young Shopper’s Club. This event is sponsored by the PTO. Students can buy gifts for their families (including pets). Gifts range in price from 50 cents to $3.00. I would recommend no more than $10.00 for your child to use. It is a lot of fun and the children love this!!
Our Holiday Concert will be December 23rd at 9:15 in the multi-purpose room. Students should wear their best Holiday Red for the show.
Please let me know if your child will not be here for the show so that we can plan accordingly.
It will be a wonderful show and the students are looking forward to singing to you!!
Our letter of the week was “Uu”. Our tongue twister was, “Ursula’s uncle stands under an umbrella.” We continue in math to sort solid and flat shapes and name them. We are also practicing writing our numbers 0-20 in the correct direction and adding within 5.
In Writer’s Workshop, we are working on incorporating spaces into our writing and adding ending punctuation.
The homework books seem to be going well. The students seem to be enjoying them and are very proud! Thanks for your cooperation on this.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Hopefully you will be able to attend the Jamestown Tree Lighting on Saturday, December 5th at 5:30 downtown. It is a lot of fun and the Lawn Avenue band will be there playing Christmas songs as well.
Mrs. MacIntyre
Friday, November 20, 2015
November 20,2015
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
Dear Families,
November 20,2015
Happy Friday! I am excited to take the class today to McQuades. We have our bags of change ready and our shopping cards all set to go. It is my favorite outing with kindergarten! It looks like the weather is clearing up for us as I write this. I know a lot of students have been sick this week and teachers (including myself)
I hope everyone feels better over the weekend. There seem to be a lot going around in kindergarten. I am well stocked up on tissues and lysol wipes for this month. I’ll send a note when we need more donations. Thank you!
The students have been working very hard on their Native American crafts. Everything will be sent home on Wednesday the 25th. If you are not going to be here due to travel plans please let me know in advance and I will send them home early.
Our letter of the week was “Kk”. Our tongue twister was “Kendall and Kiana kick like kangaroos.”
I have started the Lexia program here in school. Your student will go on once a week for about 30 minutes. I sent home the user and password names in your Open House folder so your child can use it at home IF you want. This in NOT homework. Also, if you are looking for online educational resources, You can go to my blog, click on Math/Literacy Games which is a small tab on top of the current newsletter and there will be many games you may choose to play.
I am an advocate of play and exploration and cooperation when we are here at school together, but I am offering these for supplemental activities. If you have any questions please let me know.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. MacIntyre
Thursday, November 12, 2015
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
Dear Families,
November 13,2015
I would like to thank all of you who came in for Parent/Teacher Conferences. It is clear to see why I have such a great class… great parents! I am thankful for all of your support. It was nice to sit down and talk with all of you. Remember, I am here early every morning, so if you ever have concerns about your child, let me know and we can arrange a time to meet.
I am excited about our Native American unit that we have started. The students are very engaged and interested in the first thanksgiving facts we are learning. The students are practicing making Native American symbols. We are in need of 5 more coffee cans to make Native American drums. If anyone has one I would appreciate it!
Thank you for sending in canned goods. You can continue sending them in up until the 20th. Kathy Brownell will be coming to pick them up and explain to the class where they are going.
I am sending home a permission slip to walk to McQuades on Friday the 20th. Please send in your child’s coins in a labeled bag. Please do not send more than $2.00 in change. Thank you in advance. I would like to have all the bags here by Wednesday the 18th.
Our letter of the week was “Hh”. Our tongue twister was “Hannah hugs Harry the happy hound.”
The students are working hard as usual. We are adding punctuation to our writing and learned what quotation marks are used for. Ask your child, they should be able to tell you.
We are continuing our practice with addition within 5 and 2-D and 3-D shapes. The students are learning to group shapes either as a solid(3-D) or a flat shape (2-D). Try finding things around the house to reinforce with your child at home.
You all received reading books at your conferences. Hopefully your child enjoys these. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to write me a note.
Have a nice weekend!
Mrs. MacIntyre
Thursday, November 5, 2015
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
Dear Families,
November 6, 2015
Happy November! I hope you all had a Happy Halloween. I know the students were very excited! For those of you who were able to attend the Scarecrow festival at Godena Farm you enjoyed a real treat! The entire school did such a wonderful job creating scarecrows. It is so nice to see everyone working together and enjoying the event.
We had a great trip to the Jamestown Fire station. As usual, the fire fighters opened their doors and their trucks and let the students explore to their fullest content. We are lucky to live in such a wonderful community where people take time out of their busy schedules to welcome us. K-3 wrote thank you notes to the Jamestown fire station. This writing ties nicely into our new month of November as we will about Thanksgiving, Native Americans and Pilgrims. I am using Thanksgiving to also talk about what it means to be thankful and how important the words thank you are in our everyday lives.
We will be collecting canned goods for the Jamestown Food Bank here in K-3. You may start sending your canned and boxed food items at any time. We will also be walking to McQuades on November 20th to buy a food item for Thanksgiving Baskets to be donated to families in need.
I ask that you have your child do some chores around the house to earn $1.00 to $2.00 to spend at the grocery store. Your child can use coins to pay. He or she will not need more than $2.00 at the most!!
Please send the coins in a labeled bag with the amount and your child’s name on the bag. We will be cutting out items from the McQuades flyer. Each student will be responsible for finding and buying a specific item to put into the Thanksgiving basket. They will even be responsible for carrying it back to school! I think this gives the student a real feeling of helping others and it is important for them to know that even though the are small they can help others.
I have sent home conference reminder times. Please let me know if you will not be able to make your conference. Also please remember the conference time is only 15 minutes long. It is a time for you to ask me any questions you may have about your child. If we find that you need more time, we can set up another time to meet. I am happy to do that.
In other news, out letter of the week was, “Mm.” Our tongue twister was, “Marcus and Michelle munch marshmallows.” In writer’s workshop the students are beginning to respond to prompts, answer independently and are learning about proper punctuation. I hope you enjoyed the October writing folders that I sent home. You can see how your child is growing already!
In math, we continued with addition within 5 and are also working on 2-D and 3-D shapes.
In science, we are observing leaves and are learning new vocabulary to describe how leaves are the same and different. Trees and weather has been a very exciting science unit especially given all of the changes that are taking place right outside our window.
I think the students are enjoying all the observations and walks that we have taken in the past month.
I am looking forward to meeting with all of you next Monday and Tuesday. Please remember there is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday November 11th in honor of Veterans Day.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. MacIntyre
Friday, October 30, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
October 29,2015
Dear families,
Happy Halloween!! You should have received an orange sheet telling you about the Scarecrow Event at Godena Farm. In case you missed it:
Friday October 30th
4:00-7:00 pm
This event features scarecrows made by Melrose School students.
There will be tractor pulls, campfire, maze and refreshments!!
Please come by
I will be posting a picture of K-3 and their scarecrow on my blog in case you can’t make the event.
The students had a good week here in K-e. Our letter of the week was “Nn”. Our tongue twister was “Nick and Natasha nibble nuts.”
We worked in our Science journals this week.We went on a leaf hunt. Each student found 5 different leaves. We observed the differences and similarities of the leaves and took data in our journals.
In math, we focused on 2-D and 3-D shapes. You could work on this at home by finding things around your home that are flat versus things that are solid. Names we are working on for 3-D shapes are sphere, cone, cube, rectangular prism and cylinder.
I am looking forward to our field trip on Friday to the Jamestown Fire Station. Thank you in advance for those who are able to come.
I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your Halloween!
Trick or Treat!!
Mrs. MacIntyre
Friday, October 23, 2015
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
October 23,2015
Dear families,
We had some beautiful weather this week here in Jamestown.Thanks to our trees and weather unit, I have been taking advantage of the weather and taking the class out to look at our adopted trees and collect data on the changes that are taking place. If you go to the Jamestown Melrose School website and click on kindergarten then click Mrs. MacIntyre you will be able to view my blog. All of my newsletter as well as some recent pictures are on there.
I have included some photos of Maker’s Space, it is definitely a favorite part of the week for the students.
I have included some photos of Maker’s Space, it is definitely a favorite part of the week for the students.
Our letter of the week was “Rr”. Our tongue twister was,”Ralph and Ramona rest and read.” Writer’s Workshop is going well as we continue to write the sounds we hear and not worry about perfect spelling. This is a skill that is important to as it promotes phonemic awareness and the confidence to become an independent writer.
In math, we continued to practice addition within five, and even wrote our own number stories.
Next week will be an exciting week with Halloween right around the corner. We are not permitted to wear Halloween costumes to school, however I think that our walking field trip the fire station on Friday the 30th, will be a lot of fun! If you are volunteering to walk with the class, you can meet us on the south side of the building near the bike racks at 9:00 am. Thank you in advance.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. MacIntyre
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Monday, October 19, 2015
Dear Families,
October 19,2015
Happy Monday! I am sending home a permission slip for our walking field trip to the Jamestown Fire Station on Friday, October 30th. If you are interested in walking with us, please let me know. Any parent is welcome to come as long as you have completed the school background check.
In other news, Melrose School is participating in a Scarecrow event to be held at Godena Farm in Jamestown. Each classroom is creating a scarecrow for the farm. This year the Kindergarten team theme is teachers, which means… K-3 has to create a scarecrow that looks like Mrs. MacIntyre.. oh boy!!!
Do I have a parent or two or three that would like to help. We need to collect materials to use. I would like to make it this Friday in the afternoon if possible…. Mrs. Turennes’ (first grade teacher) husband is providing the stand for the scarecrow.
Let me know via e-mail or the blue book.
Thank you in advance,
Mrs. MacIntyre
Friday, October 16, 2015
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
Dear Families,
October 16,2015
I hope you all had a nice long weekend. Since this was such a short week, this is just a quick note to let you know how our week went.
We are enjoying our Trees and Weather Unit very much. The class has “adopted” two trees on the playground. One is an Oak and the other a Maple. We will be watching how these two trees change over the course of the year. We even took pictures so we have data to show the changes. We have been reading a lot about the cycle of apple trees, so on Thursday we tasted Granny Smith, Cortland and Macoun apples. Ask your child which one was their favorite!
Our letter of the week was “Bb.” Our tongue twister was, “Brianna and Ben bounce beach balls.”
In Writer’s Workshop, we tried writing one short sentence with a period at the end of the sentence. The student’s wrote about things that are round after reading a book about shapes.
In math, we began learning about addition. We talked about what a plus sign and an equal sign look like. The students did a great job adding within 5. Practice at home with your child if you can. Do not worry about numbers being written in reverse right now. It will come in time.
On Monday, during Music with Literacy class, the Heiftez string group will be performing for all the kindergarten classes together at 9:15.
Mrs. Hosteltler and Mrs. Kauffman have asked that your child bring in one small stuffed animal from home to bring to the performance!
Have a nice weekend,
Mrs. MacIntyre
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