Friday, April 10, 2015

                          K-3 Newsletter

                         Mrs. MacIntyre 
Dear Families,
April 10, 2015
Happy April!  It looks like winter is behind us. A warm weekend is in the forecast and just what we need here in New England. I hope you enjoy it.
In April we will be studying about Oviparous animals. We will be learning about what an oviparous animal is and will be able to identify many stages and transformations they go through before they are born.
Next week, Melrose school is celebrating reading week. I would like to invite you to come in and read your favorite book. Please feel free to e-mail me so we can work out a time that works or both of us. We will also have student athletes from URI reading to us.
This week our letter of the week was “Aa”. Our tongue twister was “Amie and Asia ate apricots.”
We have finished with all the letters of the alphabet, so we will no longer be doing “letter of the week” or tongue twisters. I am attaching a list of the tongue twisters to the newsletter this week for you and your child. We will continue to practice letter formation of upper and lower case letters through words now and incorporate them into our Writer’s Workshop.
In Writer’s Workshop the children have become experts at punctuation.  They are writing with expression and it is wonderful to see. Many writing prompts this past week have been based on non-fiction books. The students are asked to share something they learned and/ or give an opinion about what we have read, they are often asked to include the word “because” into their writing and they are doing a great job. It is a wall word for us! We are actually running out of space on our wall for more wall words.
The children are enjoying our Animals Two by Two science unit as we compare goldfish and guppies. Unfortunately, Salt and Pepper both passed away but they had a great life here in K-3.
As we finish up our Dr. Seuss unit, I am happy to see the children recognizing rhyming words in the read alouds that I am reading. They have really enjoyed this author study. Thanks to all of you who sent in Dr. Seuss books, the children were excited to share them.
In Math, we continue to practice writing math equations and subtracting within 5. Your child should be able to write and recognize numerals 0-20 and count to 100.
Please continue to practice this skill at home.
Please return your permission slip and $7.00 cash for the Casey Farm fieldtrip. Chaperones can pay the day of the trip. The cost is $10.00 please write me a note if you are interested in chaperoning. Our last fieldtrip will be on May 11th to Casey Farm Beach which is across the street from Casey Farm. We will explore the seashore.
Save the Date
On Monday you can send beach towels back in. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about your child. I am here early every morning if you ever want to come in and talk.
Have a wonderful weekend,

Colleen MacIntyre

Monday, April 6, 2015

Dear families,
April 7, 2015
Welcome Back!
I hope you all had a nice Easter weekend. Due to cases of lice in the school, not in K-3 as of now, I am sending home all the blankets and stuffed animals for the week. Please do not return them until next Monday. If your child has long hair I suggest you braid and spray it prior to sending your child to school. Also, remind your child, as I will today, not to share his or her hat with anyone else.

On another note, I am sending home a permission slip for our field trip to Casey Farm on April 30th. The cost is $7.00 for each child. Please be sure to pay in cash. If you are interested in chaperoning please let me know. The cost is $10.00 for adults. We are leaving at 9:00 am and would be returning around 1:00 p.m.

Thank you for your cooperation,
Best regards,
Mrs. MacIntyre