K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
Dear Families,
January 29,2016
Here we are at the end of January! The student’s have enjoyed our Jan Brett author study this month. I hope that are sharing some of their favorite books that we have read with you. Remember to visit your local library to check out any Jan Brett books that your child may mention that they enjoyed. Also, please remember to return all your school library books on Fridays. If you forget, you can always send them in with your child on Monday and I will be sure to get them up to the library for you. Thank you in advance.
In February, we will be focusing on Chinese New Year. We will study about China, it’s location and its customs and traditions concerning Chinese New Year. We will be planning a Chinese New Year dinner here at school. The date is yet to be determined but it will be sometime towards the end of the month. Each family will be asked to bring something and it is sure to be a wonderful evening. I will keep you informed of the details as soon as they are decided.
Our letter of the week was, “Cc”. We practiced the soft c. Our tongue twister was “Cindy celebrates with cider and celery.” We worked on naming hard c and soft c words throughout the week. In Writer’s Workshop, we are reading poetry and visualizing and acting out poems. The student’s are enjoying this very much. We are also expanding our writing and adding detail to our sentences and pictures. It has been a great month for growth. I will be sending home your child’s January writing folders next month and I think you will be very proud of your child!
In math, we are learning about the concept of subtraction. We are learning this abstract concept through concrete applications such as visuals and manipulatives. This is a hard concept for kindergarteners, especially since we have spent the past couple of months securing addition. However, I am very proud of how hard everyone is working and I am confident we will secure this as well! We like to talk about subtraction when we are eating snack. I am beginning to see students doing this on their own when they are eating pretzels, goldfish and grapes, it is great to see them learning on their own like that.
The student’s also really enjoyed their trip to the Bristol Audubon Society and wrote about their favorite part of the trip yesterday.I hope you all have a nice weekend.
Mrs. MacIntyre