Monday, April 11, 2016

K-3 Newsletter
Dear Families,
April  8, 2016

Well, just when we thought spring had arrived… we had some unexpected snow! The children were just as surprised as I was to see our playground covered in snow.. It sure makes learning about the seasons exciting for us here in kindergarten!
We are beginning our month of April with a study about Oviparous animals. If you ask your child what oviparous means, they should be able to tell you.
The students have been working on writing words and sentences using lowercase letters for their morning work and they are doing very well. They are incorporating them into their Writer’s Workshop papers and they are recognizing the letters in books when they read together. Your should all be very proud of how hard your children work everyday!
In our Being A Writer program, we are learning about opinion writing. We spent the week writing about what animals we think would or would not make a good pet. The students are doing a great job. They are incorporating at least two sentences into each piece of writing. The are adding spaces, lowercase letters and ending punctuation. Wow, that’s impressive! We read Lyle the Crocodile, which the students loved. They all wrote that they would like him for a pet!
In math, the students are working on adding and subtracting within 10 or more and distinguishing between 3-D and 2-D shapes. They are working on telling what number comes next up to 100. For example, ask your child ,”If I say 39 can you tell me what comes next?”
In science, we are moving on from worms and fish and we will be looking at snails soon. We will also begin to look at our trees again and see what changes are occurring now that winter is over.

I hope you all have a nice weekend and remember there is no school next Friday the 15th.

Mrs. MacIntyre


Monday, April 4, 2016

 K-3 Newsletter
                     Mrs. MacIntyre
Dear Families,
April 1, 2016

Happy April! If the saying “April showers bring May flowers” holds true then we are certainly off to a good start. We had a very productive month of March.The students thoroughly enjoyed our Dr. Seuss unit and learned so much about rhyming and word families through his style of writing. They also read many books by P.D. Eastman who we learned studied under Dr. Seuss and whose books all have the Dr. Seuss label on them.  Thank you to all of you who were able to come in and read to the class. The students really enjoyed hearing your favorite books. If you weren’t able to come in but would like to please let me know and I can arrange something with you.
Through our Being A Writer program we read and learned from more poetry. We wrote poems as a class and individual poems about our favorite fruits, vegetables and sandwiches. We even learned what an Acrostic poem is and wrote one in class about CORN. Ask your child about it, they should be able to tell you!
In science, we finished up our study on fish and I am happy to say all the fish have been adopted.. Thank you!!
We also began a study of earthworms and redworms. We learned the parts of the worm and observed how they move. We learned how important they are for our gardens and we even learned that they have not one but five hearts!
In math, we are revisiting shapes, adding and subtracting within 10 and counting to 100. We are excited that today marked our 130th day of school and counted by 1’s, 5’s and 10’s to get there.
Due to the snow day, our graduation will now be on June 21st instead of June 20th. Please be sure to mark your calendars and save the date!
I hope you all have a nice weekend!

Mrs. MacIntyre