Friday, October 28, 2016
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
October 6,2016
Dear families,
Happy Halloween!! I am sending home this week's’ newsletter a day early because there is so much going on. We have completed our scarecrow and it looks amazing! This years theme was Pollinators. The students did a wonderful job. Thank you to everyone for sending in fabric! You can see our scarecrow displayed at the Harvest Festival
Saturday October 29th
from : 4:00-7:00 pm
This event features scarecrows made by Melrose School students.
There will be tractor pulls, campfire, maze and refreshments!!
Please come by
I will be posting a picture of K-3 and their scarecrow on my blog in case you can’t make the event.
Tomorrow morning the students will be treated to a visit by the Jamestown Fire Department. We will learn about fire safety and have a tour of the fire truck. Due to the construction taking place at the Fire station, we can not walk down to visit so they have offered to come to us! Thank you Jamestown Fire Department!
In other news,our letter of the week was “Nn”. Our tongue twister was “Nick and Natasha nibble nuts.”
In Writer’s Workshop, the students are working hard. We are writing about things we like about ourselves, our families and things we can do. Students are encouraged to take their time and do their best work every day. Every student is able to tell a story whether it is through a detailed picture , word or a short sentence. Keep up the great work kiddos!
In math, we focused on 2D and 3D shapes. You could work on this at home by finding things around your home that are flat versus things that are solid. Names we are working on for 3D shapes are sphere, cone, cube, rectangular prism and cylinder.
On a final note…. Halloween is Monday!! I will have some fun activities planned for the class but we will keep it low key so they have enough energy left to go trick or treating!!
Have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Halloween!!!
Friday, October 21, 2016
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
October 21, 2016
Dear families,
We had some beautiful weather this week here in Jamestown.Thanks to our trees and weather unit, I have been taking advantage of the weather and taking the class out to look at our adopted trees and collect data on the changes that are taking place. If you go to the Jamestown Melrose School website and click on kindergarten then click Mrs. MacIntyre you will be able to view my blog. All of my newsletter as well as some recent pictures are on there.
Our letter of the week was “Rr”. Our tongue twister was,”Ralph and Ramona rest and read.” Writer’s Workshop is going well as we continue to write the sounds we hear and not worry about perfect spelling. This is a skill that is important to as it promotes phonemic awareness and the confidence to become an independent writer.
In math, we continued to practice addition within five, and even wrote our own number stories. Addition practice can be done at home using snacks like goldfish, cheerios, grapes, raisins…. Anything at all!!
Next week will be an exciting week with Halloween right around the corner. We will be working on our scarecrow. Thank you all for sending fabric in! I will send home details about the event at Godena Farm featuring the scarecrows made by the entire school.
October is Fire Safety month, in recognition of that, we will be visited by the Jamestown Fire Department with one of their firetrucks on Friday, October 28th at 9:00am in the morning.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. MacIntyre
Friday, October 14, 2016
Dear Families,
October 7,
Once again participating in a Scarecrow event to be held at Godena Farm in Jamestown. Each classroom is creating a scarecrow for the farm. This year the theme is pollinators. K-3 will be creating a large flower. I am asking if each student could please send in 2 pieces of 12x12 material that will be used for their petal. It can be any kind of fabric and any pattern that your child wants. I thought you might have time over the long weekend to pick up the fabric.. It could also come from an old pillowcase or fabric you may have around the house.
The project is a lot of fun! The students are able to view all of the scarecrows at the Godena Farm Scarecrow Night which will be help on October 27th. There will be refreshments, a bonfire and hayrides.
Details to follow…..
Have a great weekend,
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
Dear Families,
October 14, 2016
I hope you all had a nice long weekend. Since this was such a short week, this is just a quick note to let you know how our week went.
We are enjoying our Trees and Weather Unit very much. We went on a leaf hunt and collected 5 different types of leaves. The students made leaf rubbings with the leaves they collected. We have been reading a lot about the cycle of apple trees, Today, we tasted Granny Smith, Red delicious, Yellow delicious and McIntosh Ask your child which one was their favorite!
Our letter of the week was “Bb.” Our tongue twister was, “Brianna and Ben bounce beach balls.”
In Writer’s Workshop, we tried writing one short sentence with a period at the end of the sentence. We brainstormed a list of things that are red and wrote about one of them and did the same with the color orange the following day. The student’s also wrote about things that are round after reading a book about shapes.
In math we learned about 2- Dimensional and 3- Dimensional shapes. We were able to notice the difference and name the shapes. Practice this at home or in the grocery store where you can find lots of 3- Dimensional shapes.
If you have not sent your child’s fabric in for the class scarecrow please send it in soon!! I want to thank you for your cooperation in keeping your child home when they are is greatly appreciated and very considerate of you.
Thank you so much in advance.
Have a nice weekend,
Mrs. MacIntyre
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
October 7,2016
Dear Families,
I hope you all are enjoying the beautiful Autumn weather. We had a nice week here in K-3. Right now we are digging right into our Trees and Weather unit and the students are really enjoying watching the changes in the trees right outside our window. You may notice your child paying special attention to trees or even naming different parts of a tree. Enjoy and encourage this with them!
Our letter of the week was “Pp”. Our tongue twister was “Pat and Paul pick pickles and peppers.” I hope that you enjoyed reading your child’s September writing. I will send a folder home at the end of each month.I will also be keeping one writing sample from each month in a folder here at school. At the end of the year you will get the folder and you will be amazed at the growth your child makes!
This week, the students brainstormed ideas of things that are red. They drew and wrote about something that is red and read their work aloud to their classmates. Well done!
In math, we counted, named and graphed pattern blocks. We also identified and matched numbers and continued practice in our Go Math workbooks. You may have noticed your child will be getting math homework every Wednesday night, that is our homework night, in case I haven’t mentioned that.
We are reading lots of literature about trees, apples and pumpkins.
We read my favorite Eric Carle book, Walter the Baker .We tasted pretzels and made our own out of play dough. I have attached a recipe in case you have some free time to make some. The students were very excited about the story of Walter the pretzel maker! Next week, we will taste different apples and graph our favorite.
I will try to take the class outside to look at the trees throughout the fall. I know it may seem hard to know how to dress your child in the morning. Layering works best. Our classroom is pretty comfortable: not too hot or cold. Having a sweatshirt to wear outside is important and please if you haven’t already LABEL the sweatshirts and hats, they get left outside a lot. Thank you in advance!!
Remember there is no school on Monday in honor of Columbus Day and I hope that you all enjoy the long weekend!
Mrs. MacIntyre
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