Wednesday, June 14, 2017


                                  You and your family are cordially invited to

                                                       Kindergarten Graduation

                                                        Thursday, June 22, 2017
                                                                     9:15 am
                                             Melrose School Multi- Purpose Room

   Following the graduation you are invited to join us in a family style picnic at Fort Wetheril.
K-3 will be on the right hand side of the stage..(if you are facing the stage)
Please have your child dress up for this special occasion.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

                                    K-3 Newsletter
                                   Mrs. MacIntyre
Dear Families,
June 2, 2017
Happy June!! It is amazing that we are here in June preparing for the end of the school year.
We learned about water snails and land snails this week. If your child finds any land snails this weekend feel free to send them home.. They know where to look for them!
As we head into the last couple of weeks of school, I am preparing for the end of the year. I will no longer be sending home the reading bags. I need to collect all the books and get them organized for next year’s kindergartners! Thank you for following the reading program and please send back any books you may have.
Please continue to read to and with your child over the next couple of weeks and of course over the summer! I know the Jamestown Library offers a fun summer reading program and you will be sure to see some friends there!This will also be my last newsletter as we are not starting anything new these next 14 days! I will send home reminders about upcoming events
If you have any end of the year questions or concerns, please feel free to email me anytime. I am here early every morning if you need anything! It has been a pleasure to be your child’s teacher.
June 22nd at 9:15 am. Have your child dress in their best for this special occasion. K-3 will be on the right hand of the stage if you are facing the stage. Graduation will  be followed by a family style picnic at Fort Wetherill.
Please remember Field Day is Thursday, June 8th. Please have your child  bring water, wear sneakers, sunblock, shorts and a hat.
I hope that you all have a nice weekend!
Mrs. MacIntyre