Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Monday, October 29, 2018
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Friday, September 7, 2018
Friday, April 27, 2018
Friday, April 13, 2018
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
Dear Families,
April 13, 2018
Happy April Vacation! The students seem ready for a little break...
Hopefully, the week will bring some warm weather and sunshine and the
Hopefully, the week will bring some warm weather and sunshine and the
much needed opportunity for some outside play.
The class has been enjoying our Animals Two by Two Unit. We have compared
goldfish to guppies as well as redworms to earthworms. The students loved
observing and exploring with the worms and we learned a lot about the
importance of worms in our environment. I think some students may be going
on worm hunts over vacation if they haven’t already.We will be saying goodbye
to our goldfish; Clementine 2 and Creamsicle as well as donating our redworms
to the compost at our school and we released our earthworms into the
garden on Thursday.
goldfish to guppies as well as redworms to earthworms. The students loved
observing and exploring with the worms and we learned a lot about the
importance of worms in our environment. I think some students may be going
on worm hunts over vacation if they haven’t already.We will be saying goodbye
to our goldfish; Clementine 2 and Creamsicle as well as donating our redworms
to the compost at our school and we released our earthworms into the
garden on Thursday.
In other news, the class loved the author visit by Ruth Horowitz. She read
her book, Are We Still Friends? , and even read KINDERLOVE, our own
class book to the students. The class wrote thank you notes to Mrs. Horowitz
and wrote about their favorite part of Are We Still Friends? I created a
book from the thank you notes and mailed it to her. She was very impressed
by our class. Good job K-3!
her book, Are We Still Friends? , and even read KINDERLOVE, our own
class book to the students. The class wrote thank you notes to Mrs. Horowitz
and wrote about their favorite part of Are We Still Friends? I created a
book from the thank you notes and mailed it to her. She was very impressed
by our class. Good job K-3!
We are also working very hard at writing our numerals 1-20. You should
notice in the papers coming home how well your child is doing. I am so proud
of them. I am stressing the importance of them taking their time and writing
their numbers in the correct direction and they are doing such a fabulous
job with this. I have explained to them it is more important to focus on
writing 1-20 properly and carefully then to write to 100 improperly,
Great work everyone!
notice in the papers coming home how well your child is doing. I am so proud
of them. I am stressing the importance of them taking their time and writing
their numbers in the correct direction and they are doing such a fabulous
job with this. I have explained to them it is more important to focus on
writing 1-20 properly and carefully then to write to 100 improperly,
Great work everyone!
With only 44 days of school left, we are getting excited for graduation
already. Please be sure to save the date, all family is invited to attend.
already. Please be sure to save the date, all family is invited to attend.
Graduation will be the last day of school, which is June 22nd at 9:00 am in
the multi-purpose room followed by a family style picnic at Fort Wetherill.
the multi-purpose room followed by a family style picnic at Fort Wetherill.
More details to follow..
I hope you all have a restful and rejuvenating week!
Mrs. MacIntyre
Friday, March 23, 2018
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
Dear Families,
Happy Spring! Although it doesn’t look like it, spring has arrived.
I hope we have turned the corner and warmer weather is on it’s way.
Let’s look for signs of Spring and bring them into our classroom.
If you happen to see any over the weekend, I welcome your child to bring
them in.The students are really enjoying our Dr. Seuss unit. I appreciate you
sending in the Dr. Seuss books. The students are proud to bring something
from home and share it with the class. During the first week of April we will
be celebrating Reading Week. If you would like to come in and read your
favorite children’s book please email me at
macintyre.colleen@jamestownschools.org and we can arrange a time.
If you happen to see any over the weekend, I welcome your child to bring
them in.The students are really enjoying our Dr. Seuss unit. I appreciate you
sending in the Dr. Seuss books. The students are proud to bring something
from home and share it with the class. During the first week of April we will
be celebrating Reading Week. If you would like to come in and read your
favorite children’s book please email me at
macintyre.colleen@jamestownschools.org and we can arrange a time.
Our letter of the week was “Tt”. Our tongue twister was “Tori tells Tommy
about tacos and tomatoes.” During Writer’s Workshop, the students have
been working with partners. We have continued interviewing each other and
writing about our partners. We are also continuing with informational text and
writing about what we have learned from the text read. I am also reminding
the students to take their time and be neat. I am reminding them to work
carefully and take pride in their writing.
about tacos and tomatoes.” During Writer’s Workshop, the students have
been working with partners. We have continued interviewing each other and
writing about our partners. We are also continuing with informational text and
writing about what we have learned from the text read. I am also reminding
the students to take their time and be neat. I am reminding them to work
carefully and take pride in their writing.
In math, we continue with addition and subtraction stories. We are also
paying close attention to the formation of our numerals. Please practice
writing the numbers 0-10 at home with your child and the proper formation.
Thank you in advance.
paying close attention to the formation of our numerals. Please practice
writing the numbers 0-10 at home with your child and the proper formation.
Thank you in advance.
Please continue with the reading bags and let me know if you have lost yours.
At this time of year, all students should be returning them on a regular basis
(one or two books per week) Please let me know if you have any questions about
the books.
At this time of year, all students should be returning them on a regular basis
(one or two books per week) Please let me know if you have any questions about
the books.
The year is going to go quickly from this point on. As long as we have no more
snow days, Kindergarten Graduation will be Friday, June 22nd, so please save
the date. Graduation is on the LAST DAY of school.
snow days, Kindergarten Graduation will be Friday, June 22nd, so please save
the date. Graduation is on the LAST DAY of school.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. MacIntyre
Thursday, March 15, 2018
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
Dear Families,
March 16, 2018
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!
We were very lucky to have Kathy Brownell come in today and gather all the kindergarten classrooms together. She told us some Irish folktales and sang some beautiful music with different instruments as well. She also read a poem to us that including our class. She is very talented and kind to come in and treat us to such a great time. Thank you Miss Kathy! In Makerspace this week, the students created Leprechaun traps! The students had some creative ways of catching those tricky Leprechauns.
This month our focus is on word families and rhyming words. The students are also comparing fiction and nonfiction books. We have been writing informational pieces during writer’s workshop. The students also interviewed each other and wrote about things their friends like to do. The students have also identified Dr. Seuss books as fiction. Thank you for sharing your Dr. Seuss books from home. If your child has a favorite Dr. Seuss book at home, please send it in and I will read it to the class. Our letter of the week was “Ii”. Our tongue twister was, “ Isaac and Iris like ice cubes and ice cream.”
In math, we are practicing with addition and subtraction number stories. The students are getting very proficient and addition and subtraction! We are working on math vocabulary as well. Some language we use is, number sentence, plus sign, minus sign, equal sign and reciprocal!
Hopefully, we will not have anymore snow days.. We shall see. The class and I are excited to get out in nature and find signs of spring.
In science, we will soon begin our Animals Two By Two Unit. In this unit, we will explore goldfish, guppies and worms!
I hope you all have a nice weekend.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Mrs. MacIntyre
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Mrs. MacIntyre
K-3 Newsletter
Dear Families,
March 2, 2018
Gung Hay Fat Choy! I hope you all had a wonderful time at the Chinese Potluck Dinner. The multi-purpose room looked beautiful and so did the children! I hope you enjoyed the singing and all the delicious food. Thank you for your contributions. It was wonderful and a great way for the students to celebrate all they have learned about Chinese New Year with their families and friends! We were able to learn many different things about Chinese New Year in a fun and memorable way.
Today, we quickly moved forward and celebrated Dr. Seuss’s Birthday along with making our own party hats! Please check my school blog for photos. During the month of March, we will be focusing on rhyming and word families. One way we do this is emerging ourselves into Dr. Seuss books! We are very excited to be going on our field trip to the VETS auditorium in Providence on Monday, March 5th. Your child must bring a lunch from home and if you could stay clear of peanut products I would appreciate it. We will be eating in the classroom upon our return and we have a student with a peanut allergy.
In math we practiced writing and counting to ten in Chinese and we continue to practice with subtraction. The use of manipulatives is very important when learning this concept in kindergarten. Continue to practice at home with snacks or legos or small toys that you may have at home.
In Makerspace, Miss Haley helped the students construct their own paper collages with various types of paper. They love being creative and we are very lucky to have this space and time with Miss Haley.
The students are making great progress with their writing and are becoming very proficient with their sight words we have been practicing. Keep up the great work.
Please continue with the nightly reading bags but do not replace it with reading to you child every night. This is the best way to create a love of reading. Make it a relaxing time for you and your child and you will be benefiting them in many ways.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. MacIntyre
Friday, March 2, 2018
Friday, February 2, 2018
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
Dear Families,
February 2, 2018
Happy February and Happy Groundhog Day!
Did the groundhog see his shadow? Ask your kindergartener, they will be able to tell you!
This week we have been very busy up in Makerspace. Miss Hayley has been working hard and has introduced our new science kit. It is called Materials and Motion. The first unit of this kit explores different types of wood. We have sorted different pieces of wood by color and texture. We experimented to see if they sink or float and we also added paperclips and rubber bands to see if we could make them sink.
Thank you to Miss Hayley for setting up all these experiments and challenges. The students are really enjoying it.
Our letter of the week was “Oo” Our tongue twister was, “Omar and Owen open oatmeal boxes.”
In math, we continue to practice addition, they are becoming experts and even know what a reciprocal is!
Report cards will be available on Aspen today, February 2nd. The report cards is standards based and grading is done on a scale of 1-4.
If your student receives a 1 this means they are working toward the standard, a 2 this means they are meeting the standard with some assistance, a 3 would mean the consistently and independently meet the standard, a 4 would mean the consistently exceed the standard. I know this is a different than the graded system I grew up with so please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
I have the pleasure of teaching an amazing group of kind, thoughtful, curious and happy group of students.. that's the best report you could get!
We have a few important dates and events coming up in K-3.
Wednesday,February 14th
Valentine’s Day Exchange
Please send in valentines with your child. I have attached a class list to this paper.Please make sure to include everyone.. Also if you have any extra shoe boxes, I need about 5 more! Thank you in advance.
Thursday, February 15th 100th Day of School
To celebrate this please send 100 items in a brown paper bag with 3 clues written on the outside of the bag. Please be sure to write your child’s name on the bag also. You can send the bags anytime. Be creative… have fun… maybe use something from nature?????
March 1st at 5:00pm we will have a Kindergarten Chinese Potluck Dinner in the Melrose School Multi-Purpose Room.
Students should arrive at 4:45 so they can get ready to do a quick song and parade for their families before we eat! Gung Hay Fat Choy!!!
Thank you,
Mrs. MacIntyre’s Class List
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day
Sunday, January 28, 2018
K-3 Newsletter
Mrs. MacIntyre
Dear Families,
January 26, 2018
Here we are at the end of January! The student’s have enjoyed our Jan Brett author study this month. I hope that are sharing some of their favorite books that we have read with you. We have not yet voted on our class favorite Jan Brett book, we still have a few more to read. We are comparing The Three Snow Bears by Jan Brett to Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Thanks for sending them in! Remember to visit your local library to check out any Jan Brett books that your child may mention that they enjoyed. Also, please remember to return all your school library books on Fridays. Many of you have multiple books out.If you forget, you can always send them in with your child on Monday and I will be sure to get them up to the library for you. Thank you in advance.
In February, we will be focusing on Chinese New Year. We will study about China, it’s location and its customs and traditions concerning Chinese New Year. We will be planning a Chinese New Year dinner here at school. The date is set for Thursday, March 1st at 5:00 pm. Each family will be asked to bring something and it is sure to be a wonderful evening. I will keep you informed of the details as soon as they are decided.
Our letter of the week was, “Cc”. We practiced the soft c and hard c and brainstormed a list of words for each category. Our tongue twister was “Cindy celebrates with cider and celery..”
In math, we practice identifying and writing our tricky teens. We also practiced addition .within 5 and we practiced recognizing and writing teen numbers.
In Writer’s Workshop, we created a shared story called Fabulous Francis. Each student added a detail to the story and added onto each other’s thought. We read it aloud and then each student made an illustration to match the story. It was a great activity.
I am in need of shoe boxes for an upcoming project, if each student would please bring a shoebox in if they have one that would be great!
Today is our 87th day of school, our 100th day of school is fast approaching. To celebrate I am asking each student to put 100 of something in a paper bag and put 3 clues about what is inside the bag on the outside of the bag. The students will try to guess what is in each other’s bag. The students love doing this each year.
You can be creative as to what you put in the bag.. Even use things from nature!
You have plenty of time to hand in the bag, I just wanted to give you some time to think of some creative ideas.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs. MacIntyre
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