Friday, January 9, 2015

                                          K-3 Newsletter
                                          Mrs. MacIntyre     
January 9,2015
Dear Families,

Happy 2015! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday vacation!  It is often hard for the children to get back into the school schedule. It usually takes a week or so to get back into the routine of getting up early and following the schedule of a busy school day. The class has also welcomed a new student Jeremiah Santos to K-3.
 In January we will be going on a fieldtrip to the Bristol Audubon Center. It is a great fieldtrip. We will learn about winter animals, animal prints, and there is an indoor aquarium with a lot of special surprises. If you are interested in chaperoning please let me know. We will leave around 9:15am and return around 1:15 pm. Thank you in advance.
I know it was a while ago, but I just wanted to take the chance to say what an amazing job I thought the class did at the Holiday Concert. They looked so happy and proud and did a wonderful job singing. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Isn’t Mrs. Hostetler amazing??
Please continue with the reading bags, you are doing a great job with them.  Please let me know of any questions or concerns that you may have. It is important to keep the sheet in the bag so I don’t give you the same book over again, although sometime I do that by accident. I hope your child enjoys these books. They should be very proud of themselves. One of the most wonderful parts of my job is watching your children grow in all areas. Reading is just one of those areas; please remember that all children begin to read at different times. Please do not feel you have to push your child into reading and remember reading a loud to your child is the best thing you can do for them at this age to develop literacy skills and enjoyment that will last a lifetime.

Our Author of the Month is Jan Brett. We will be reading many of her wonderful books and at the end of the Author study we will graph our favorites. We will pay special attention to the story The Mitten. We will integrate many activities connected to the book during the month.
Speaking of mittens, as it gets colder and snow begins to fall, please remember a hat, gloves, snow pants and boots for your child to wear outside. When there is snow on the ground they are allowed to play in it as long as they have snow pants on. If your child wears boots to school, please send along sneakers for them to wear inside school. Especially on P.E. days!

 In Math, we will begin to learn about subtraction this month. We will also continue practice writing our numbers 0-20 with proper formation. During Morning Meeting the children add up the number of syllables in their first and last name when they are the leader. Ask them at home to do this for you; they are very proud of themselves. We have also been practicing with punctuation. Your child is learning to identify a period, exclamation point, comma quotation marks in a sentence.
If you think that is a lot for kindergarten, so do I! Remember, it all comes in time and I am still a firm believer that a kindergarten needs to have fun, learn how to share, listen, care and create!! We have a lot of fun here in K-3!
SHOEBOXES if you have any please send in one for your child for a special craft I will be doing next month! Thank you!
I wish you all a Healthy and Happy New Year!
As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Colleen MacIntyre

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