Distance Learning Schedule Week of April 13th- April 17th Mrs. Mac.
In addition to the following schedule please continue with See Saw, Epic and Lexia.
I will continue to post assignments for you to do as you can.
I recommend you continue with as much reading as possible and allow for outdoor exploration as much as possible. Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Monday, April 13th
Morning Work: Car worksheet
9:00- 10:00 Zoom with Mrs. Mac.
We will review long and short a vowel sounds and words.
Introduce Fundations trick words
They are: has, as, was, and, is, a, are, the, to, his
You can write these on index cards to practice.
Subtraction flashcards on a google slide.
**Vivi D. share writing.
Read Lion At School.
Writer's Workshop: Where would you take the Lion if you could be his friend for the day?
Math: Go Math pages 311- 315. Subtraction
Science: Tree Observation Journal
Tuesday, April 14th
Morning Work: Number Maze
9:00-10:00 Zoom with Mrs. Mac.
sight words, subtraction flashcards, trick words.
**Vivienne share writing.
Read: Madeline Finn and the Library Dog
Writer's Workshop prompt:
Do you like to read? Why or why not?
Math: Go Math pages 317-320 Subtraction
(for your counters you can use pennies, cheerios, raisins...)
Science: Tree Observation Journal
Wednesday, April 15th
Morning Work: Family Writing Journal page
9:00-10:00 Zoom with Mrs. Mac.
Review Fundations letter/ sounds
trick words, sight words, subtraction google slide
**Ben share writing.
Read: The Good Egg
Writer's Workshop: What if people around you did annoying things? Write and draw what you might do.
Go Math: pages 321-322. You can use red and yellow crayons. (Subtraction)
Science: Tree Observation Journal
Math Homework: Using something from nature, demonstrate a subtraction equation. Take a picture and send it to me.
Thursday, April 16th
Morning Work: Finish the pattern worksheet.
9:00-10:00 Zoom with Mrs. Mac.
Fundations Letter review, vowel review, trick words, sight words, subtraction slide.
** Cade read writing.
Read: Apricot ABC
Writing: Choose a letter to hide in your picture and write 1 or 2 sentences to match your picture.
Math: Go Math pages 323-328. ( Subtraction)
Science: Tree Observation Journal
Friday, April 17th
Morning Work: Color the Train worksheet
9:00- 10:00 Zoom with Mrs. Mac.
Review all we have learned this week, ask questions, clarify with any students that have questions.
** Chase read writing.
Read: Noisy Nora
Writer's Workshop: Free Write Friday.
Math: Use 10 toilet paper rolls for Subtraction Bowling Game!
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