Tuesday, May 31, 2016

K-3 Newsletter
                                       Mrs. MacIntyre                         May 27, 2016
Dear Families,
Happy Memorial Day!!
It looks like we are heading swiftly into summer! The weather has been beautiful this week and the students are very excited to celebrate Memorial Day. If you are new to Jamestown and are going to be in town on Monday, be sure to attend the parade. The town displays the flags downtown on the green at East Ferry and it is the most nostalgic parade.. Sure to make you feel lucky to be on an island like this!
I hope you all have a chance to relax and enjoy some time with your families.
This week, we had fun comparing and writing about Water Snails and Land Snails. Most of us agreed that Land Snails are more interesting to observe. They are readily found this time of year in Jamestown as well which is fun!
Per request of the class, we have been reading many Frog and Toad books. We have been writing about them and even wrote opinion pieces about which character we prefer and why! This class is amazing!
In math, we continued with subtraction and reinforces math vocabulary that we have learned this year. I will be sending home their math workbooks at the end of the year and there are plenty of pages your child can work on over the summer.
KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION is Tuesday, June 21st at 9:15am. Please let me know if you will not be here so we can plan accordingly. K-3 will be on the right hand side of the stage if you are facing the stage.
After the graduation, your child is done with school!! Graduation is completed by 10:30 afterwards we will all meet at Fort Wetherhill for a picnic. Please bring your own food and drink, chairs, blanket and any games you like to play. It is so fun!
You must accompany your child to the picnic.
Here is a list of some important upcoming events:

Please send in pennies for your child to play games created by the 4th graders
MONDAY JUNE 20th      TRIVIA FOR CHARITY *  a whole school assembly run by Ms. Peterson in the morning
As you can see, we have a busy month ahead!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Mrs. Mac and class created by  Mairead, Norah and Cooper!
     K-3 Newsletter
                                             Mrs. MacIntyre

Dear Families,
May 20, 2016

With only 22 more days of school, the students are working hard and enjoying their time together as well. We have had a lot of discussions about what we have learned in kindergarten so far this year. We have reflected on each month , discussed and written about our favorite activities in kindergarten thus far. That being said, as we discuss the reading, writing, drawing, math knowledge, science knowledge and all the other academics we have touched upon, I can’t help but remind the children of what I believe is the most important skill they need to carry with them when they leave kindergarten. That is to be KIND. They know this and we talk about what it means to be kind and what it looks like in our everyday kindergarten lives. We discuss how it feels to be the giver of kindness and how it feels to be the receiver of a kind act. I am so delighted to hear the students say how good it feels in their heart to help others.
For the entire year, during morning meeting, the students have an opportunity to share some news about themselves or their day. We pass around a stuffed animal and the student with the stuffed animal “has the floor” so to speak. This week, we agreed that it would be nice to say something kind about the person next to us. It has been a great way to start the day!
In other news, we have water snails in our science center now. We observed them this week. We will bring in land snails and compare the two. The students have been asked to be on the lookout for them in their own backyard.
As the weather gets warmer and brighter, you may want to apply sunscreen to your child before school. Mr. Ucci has been taking the class outside for P.E. and the students really enjoy going up to the field.
Our kindergarten graduation is slated for Tuesday, June 21st. If you are NOT going to be here for graduation, could you please let me know so we can plan accordingly.
Thank you in advance.
Have a great weekend and feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Colleen MacIntyre

Monday, May 16, 2016

                                                          K-3 in  our secret tunnel

Thursday, May 12, 2016

K-3 Newsletter
                                  Mrs. MacIntyre

Dear families,
May 13, 2016

I hope everyone had a nice week. We were sure happy to see the sun this week! The students were invited to see the 1st grade show on Tuesday. The 1st graders did a great job and our class really enjoyed listening and watching. We also met up with our 4th grade buddies. I am sure you have been hearing a lot about them. The 4th graders and kindergarteners have such a nice time together each week, whether it’s exploring outside, doing a craft, playing on the playground or just reading a book. You will have the opportunity to meet your child’s 4th grade buddy (ies) at the kindergarten graduation on June 21st. The students have been working hard with Mrs. Hostetler preparing songs for you and your families.
Our field trip is scheduled for Friday, June 6th. We will be leaving the school at 9:00a.m. and returning at 12:45. We will be exploring a Day on the Farm. I have a couple of chaperones so far. Please let me know if you are interested. You can either ride the bus with us or drive your own car separately. Unfortunately, the farm does not allow for younger siblings to come on the farm.
In preparation for our visit to the farm we will be reading some literature about farm life and learn a little history about Casey Farm. We have finished up with our Oviparous unit and will be revisiting our schoolyard trees to see the changes that are occurring.
In math, we are composing and decomposing numbers by tens and ones. We are also working on our ten frame math. We are showing different combinations to make the number ten. The students are very familiar with this concept and it is something that they will continue with in 1st grade.
In writing, we combining all that we have learned this year into our writer’s workshop entries. I hope that you enjoyed your child’s April Writing Folder. I am sure that you can see the growth that they have made over the course of this year. We are now incorporating capitalization, spacing, lowercase letters, punctuation and explanation in our writing. Amazing!!! Most importantly, we are learning that we all have our own writing style and I can assure you that each student is reaching their potential. Each student is working hard and should be proud of their work. There is nothing better than seeing a student be proud of their work and I see that here this year every day. You all should be very proud, it truly is an exceptional group of students!

With a mere 28 days of school left let’s enjoy the rest of the year together get ready to celebrate this milestone in your child’s life.
If I can help with anything or answer any concerns you have, please feel free to contact me.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. MacIntyre

Friday, May 6, 2016

 K-3 Newsletter
                                   Mrs. MacIntyre

Dear families,
May 6, 2016
Happy May!! It certainly doesn’t feel like May, but I know when the sunshine returns we will appreciate it more than ever. Speaking of appreciation, I appreciate you all so much. This week all the teachers at Melrose were overwhelmed with the kindness we saw from children and parents. We appreciate the candy, cards, lunch, coffee and beautiful flowers. I really do feel so lucky to teach in such a great community. The support and connection we have with families is what make our school so successful so thank you!!!
On Friday, Mr. Ucci ran the Melrose Derby, in honor of the Kentucky Derby this Saturday. Thank you to Mr. Ucci for organizing and running such a fun activity every year. The students love it!
If your child has mentioned walking club it is run by the PTO. Students can walk up on the field with volunteers on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. They can earn a little foot to put on a bracelet for every 10 laps they walk and they seen to be enjoying it.
We are planning to go to Casey Farm to explore life on the the farm on Friday, June 6th. We will leave around 9:00 am and return approximately 12:45 pm. Children will bring a paper bag lunch and have a picnic at the farm. If you would like to chaperone please let me know. The cost for chaperones is $10.00.
I will be sending home a permission shortly, which will include more details, I just wanted to let you know the date at this time.
Our kindergarten graduation is scheduled for 9:00 am on Tuesday, June 21st. Following the graduation we will have a family picnic at Fort Wetherill.
Parents and family members meet at Fort Wetherill and bring their own lunch, games and chairs and blanket. It is always a wonderful day, where families can celebrate the graduation together. I look forward to seeing you all there.
This week, the class worked hard on creating a project for their mom .. this including science, art and writing!
We are learning about pill bugs and sow bugs now. If you go for a walk with your child, they should be able to tell you where you can find them and the differences between them.
I wish you all a very Happy Mother’s Day and I thank you for sharing your child with me!
Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs. MacIntyre

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

  K-3 Newsletter
                                      Mrs. MacIntyre

Dear Families,
Friday, April 29,2016
Welcome Back! It sounds as though everyone had a nice and much needed week off. The students had lots of stories to share and the beautiful weather last week lended to some great outdoor activities. The weather this week however….. Not quite as nice!
First off, the class was very excited to hear that Drew made it back safely from Australia and he had an amazing experience. They are such a caring class and have asked me several times how he is and what Australia was like. I am amazed how much they have learned and the high interest they have in learning more about it.
We have had a wonderful week celebrating Earth week.
The class created a beautiful mural about the most earth friendly way they can get to school. It is hanging up inside the Melrose school office. IF you happen to be in the school, pop into the office and take a look! The students were very good about bringing in a litter free lunch and recycling and reusing things in their lunchboxes.  They helped clean up the playground and I am happy to report there was not much trash at all to pick up.
We also planted morning glories and celery. When they begin to sprout we are going to give them to Mrs. Turenne, who is going to have them planted at the Godena Community Farm!
On Friday, we attended an assembly by master gardener Linda Hall. She taught us about worms, pollinating and composting. This ties right into our Science that we are learning about so the students were very excited to learn new information.
In Writer’s Workshop, we focused on opinion writing this week. The students wrote opinions about their favorite thing about the Earth, oviparous animals and opinions about fruits and vegetables. They did a very good job writing opinions and why they felt a certain way. Great job kindergarteners!
In math, we practice decomposing numbers into tens and ones and putting them back together again. Hopefully you had a chance to see the math papers that have been coming home. They are doing some very high level thinking in math and I am very proud of them.
Our kindergarten graduation is set for June 21st. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE!!
I hope you have a fabulous weekend.
As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Mrs. MacIntyre