Friday, April 13, 2018

                              K-3 Newsletter
                             Mrs. MacIntyre

Dear Families,
April 13, 2018
Happy April Vacation! The students seem ready for a little break...
Hopefully, the week will bring some warm weather and sunshine and the
much needed opportunity for some outside play.
The class has been enjoying our Animals Two by Two Unit. We have compared
goldfish to guppies as well as redworms to earthworms. The students loved
observing and exploring with the worms and we learned a lot about the
importance of worms in our environment. I think some students may be going
on worm hunts over vacation if they haven’t already.We will be saying goodbye
to our goldfish; Clementine 2 and Creamsicle as well as donating our redworms
to the compost at our school and we released our earthworms into the
garden on Thursday.
In other news, the class loved the author visit by Ruth Horowitz. She read
her book, Are We Still Friends? , and even read KINDERLOVE, our own
class book to the students. The class wrote thank you notes to Mrs. Horowitz
and wrote about their favorite part of Are We Still Friends? I created a
book from the thank you notes and mailed it to her. She was very impressed
by our class. Good job K-3!
We are also working very hard at writing our numerals 1-20. You should
notice in the papers coming home how well your child is doing. I am so proud
of them. I am stressing the importance of them taking their time and writing
their numbers in the correct direction and they are doing such a fabulous
job with this. I have explained to them it is more important to focus on
writing 1-20 properly and carefully then to write to 100 improperly,
Great work everyone!
With only 44 days of school left, we are getting excited for graduation
already. Please be sure to save the date, all family is invited to attend.
Graduation will be the last day of school, which is June 22nd at 9:00 am in
the multi-purpose room followed by a family style picnic at Fort Wetherill.
More details to follow..
I hope you all have a restful and rejuvenating week!

Mrs. MacIntyre