Tuesday, April 14, 2020

                                                       Subtraction represented by Nature!
                                                           Created by: Cade Trifero                         

Friday, April 10, 2020

Distance Learning Schedule Week of April 13th- April 17th Mrs. Mac.
In addition to the following schedule please continue with See Saw, Epic and Lexia.
I will continue to post assignments for you to do as you can.
I recommend you continue with as much reading as possible and allow for outdoor exploration as much as possible. Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Monday, April 13th
Morning Work: Car worksheet
9:00- 10:00 Zoom with Mrs. Mac.
We will review long and short a vowel sounds and words.
Introduce Fundations trick words
They are: has, as, was, and, is, a, are, the, to, his
You can write these on index cards to practice.
Subtraction flashcards on a google slide.
**Vivi D. share writing.
Read Lion At School.
Writer's Workshop:  Where would you take the Lion if you could be his friend for the day?
Math: Go Math pages 311- 315. Subtraction
Science: Tree Observation Journal

Tuesday, April 14th
Morning Work: Number Maze
9:00-10:00 Zoom with Mrs. Mac.
sight words, subtraction flashcards, trick words.
**Vivienne share writing.
Read: Madeline Finn and the Library Dog 
Writer's Workshop prompt:
Do you like to read? Why or why not?
Math: Go Math pages 317-320 Subtraction
(for your counters you can use pennies, cheerios, raisins...)
Science: Tree Observation Journal

Wednesday, April 15th 
Morning Work: Family Writing Journal page
9:00-10:00 Zoom with Mrs. Mac.
Review Fundations letter/ sounds
trick words, sight words, subtraction google slide
**Ben share writing.
Read: The Good Egg
Writer's Workshop: What if people around you did annoying things? Write and draw what you might do.
Go Math: pages 321-322. You can use red and yellow crayons. (Subtraction)
Science: Tree Observation Journal
Math Homework: Using something from nature, demonstrate a subtraction equation. Take a picture and send it to me.

Thursday, April 16th
Morning Work: Finish the pattern worksheet.
9:00-10:00 Zoom with Mrs. Mac.
Fundations Letter review, vowel review, trick words, sight words, subtraction slide.
** Cade read writing.
Read: Apricot ABC
Writing: Choose a letter to hide in your picture and write 1 or 2 sentences to match your picture.
Math: Go Math pages 323-328. ( Subtraction)
Science: Tree Observation Journal

Friday, April 17th
Morning Work: Color the Train worksheet
9:00- 10:00 Zoom with Mrs. Mac.
Review all we have learned this week, ask questions, clarify with any students that have questions.
** Chase read writing.
Read: Noisy Nora
Writer's Workshop: Free Write Friday.
Math: Use 10 toilet paper rolls for Subtraction Bowling Game!

 Hello families,
I hope you are all well.
I wanted to give you a chance to save up some toilet paper rolls for
a math game I will be teaching next Friday. Each student will need 10 toilet
paper rolls to play the game.
Thank you and Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Hello Families,
In addition to the schedule I have set up for the week, the digital learning websites K-3 students are signed up for are:
1. Lexia
2. See Saw
3. Epic
4. SplashMath
I will post assignments on See Saw and Epic and you and your child can complete them in your own time and your own speed.
I will also send another packet for you to print and use as Morning Work for your child.
As always, please e-mail me with questions and or concerns.
See you tomorrow morning!
Mrs. Mac.

Friday, April 3, 2020

     K-3  Distance Learning Plans for Week of April 6th- April 8th

9:00- 9:45 Zoom with Mrs. Mac. and class
Check-in, Calendar, Weather, Date, Days in School
* One student shares Writer's Workshop*
Fundations: Review Fundations letters
tap out c/v/c words. Use google slide for sight word practice.

Read Aloud: My Father's Dragon
A special book of the day
Review Writer's Workshop Prompt
10:00- 10:45 Writer's Workshop.
Science: Tree  Journal or you can do Science Journal later.
10:45- 11:00- Recess/ Outdoor Play/ Puzzles? Legos/ Playdough
11:00-11:30 Lunch
11:30 -12:00 Podcasts/ Reading/ Zoom with classmate/ Tree Journal
12:00- 12:30 Math
Writer's Workshop Prompts
Monday: What do you like to do at the beach?
Tuesday: If you had a Magic Tree, what would it do?
Wednesday: What is your favorite book? Why?
If your child has an idea of their own please let them write their own thoughts!
Math Assignments/ Focus Addition
Monday: Go Math Workbook pages 231-236.
Tuesday: Math Journal Quarter 3/4 next 2 pages.
Wednesday Go Math Workbook pages 237- 240.

There is no school on Thursday, April 9th and Friday, April 10th.
Mrs. Mac.


Dear Families,
I hope you were able to enjoy some sunshine today.
Tomorrow is the 1st day of April. I asked the students to choose a tree
in their yard, or neighbors yard to watch for the month of April.
The data they write can be in drawings, photos or words.
Please let your child take the lead.
Thanks so much,

MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2020

Good morning families,
Please breathe and relax... it's only Monday morning!
The only See-Saw account you need to join right now is mine.
Please let me know if you need a new code as they expire after a
a short period of time.
Happy Monday to all!

FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020

Distant Learning General Daily Schedule K-3

Mrs. Mac. /Distance Learning Suggested Schedule
8:00 - 8:30 a.m. Breakfast/Get Ready/Get out of you PJ’s!
8:30- 9:00 a.m. Morning Work ( I will provide direction)
9:00- 9:45 a.m.
ZOOM MEETING with Mrs. Mac. and class

9:45- 10:00 Snack/ Finish Morning Work
10:00- 10:45  Have your child look at books independently or read aloud to them if 
You are able. (15-20 min.)
Writer’s Workshop- Have your child Draw/ Write one Writer’s Workshop per day using
The packet I provided. ( I think there is 10 days worth….)

10:45- 11:00 Outdoor Play / Go Noodle if it is raining.
Log onto Go Noodle.
Some of our favorites are: All I Want is Pizza, Banana, Banana, Meatball, to get moving.
And for relaxation: Bring it Down and Rainbow Breath.
Science: set aside some time for your child to work on their TREE JOURNAL each day.
They choose one tree in their yard ( or neighbors yard)
They can draw/ write/ label/ their choice of what the tree looks like each day.
Date the data each day for the month of April.
11:00- 11:30 Lunch
11:30- 12:00  Quiet Time...Draw/ Read/ Practice Sight Words..
Check out these Podcasts: 
1. Wow in the World for science learning
2. Circle Round for stories
3. Noodle Loaf for music learning.
4. Zoom with a classmate
12:30- 1:00 Math 
I will assign pages in our Go Math workbooks and/ or
Math Journals Quarter ¾. We will supplement with the Splash math
Accounts I have set up for you.
1:00- 7:00 Relax/ Go Outside/ Playtime/ Students be creative/ Do What you Love.
Family Time.
7:00-8:00 Lights Out. Time for Bed.
I have set up an online learning classroom for all of my students on:
LEXIA and SEESAW. Please let me know if you are having any problems logging your child in.

Let’s see how this goes! I am here for you every day! Mrs. Mac.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow for students.
Teachers will be learning about Distance Learning.
Enjoy your three day weekend. Thank you for being so amazing and awesome.
You all deserve 100 Wolf Paws!
Mrs. Mac.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Hello families,
In my recommended daily schedule from 11:30-12:00, I have suggested listening
to a Podcast, drawing, looking at books or practicing sight words.
Another suggestion and option for you would be to reach out to other families in K-3.
If your child shows interest in Zooming with one or more other students, you can set up
a Zoom conference with each other. It is a free, public meeting forum. 
In addition, I am meeting with many students privately via Zoom on a weekly basis. If your child is interested, please e-mail me. 
We can talk about anything at all ( no academics required.)
Please know how wonderful you all are doing. I am also open to any feedback that you have for me, as this is a new adventure for us all.
All my best,
Mrs. Mac.
                                                        APRIL SONG  

                                       April, April is month four
                                       I'm so glad it's Spring once more
                                       I've heard it sung that 
                                       April showers always bring
                                       such pretty flowers.
                                       April is a month in Spring
                                       When the birds begin to sing.

                     * Sing twice to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star