Friday, October 28, 2016

                         K-3 Newsletter
                        Mrs. MacIntyre

October 6,2016
Dear families,
Happy Halloween!! I am sending home this week's’ newsletter a day early because there is so much going on. We have completed our scarecrow and it looks amazing! This years theme was Pollinators. The students did a wonderful job. Thank you to everyone for sending in fabric! You can see our scarecrow displayed at the Harvest Festival
                                Saturday October 29th
                      from : 4:00-7:00 pm
This event features scarecrows made by Melrose School students.
There will be tractor pulls, campfire, maze and refreshments!!
                              Please come by
I will be posting a picture of K-3 and their scarecrow on my blog in case you can’t make the event.

Tomorrow morning the students will be treated to a visit by the Jamestown Fire Department. We will learn about fire safety and have a tour of the fire truck. Due to the construction taking place at the Fire station, we can not walk down to visit so they have offered to come to us! Thank you Jamestown Fire Department!
In other news,our letter of the week was “Nn”. Our tongue twister was “Nick and Natasha nibble nuts.”
In Writer’s Workshop, the students are working hard. We are writing about things we like about ourselves, our families and things we can do. Students are encouraged to take their time and do their best work every day. Every student is able to tell a story whether it is through a detailed picture , word or a short sentence. Keep up the great work kiddos!
In math, we focused on 2D and 3D shapes. You could work on this at home by finding things around your home that are flat versus things that are solid. Names we are working on for 3D shapes are sphere, cone, cube, rectangular prism and cylinder.
On a final note…. Halloween is Monday!! I will have some fun activities planned for the class but we will keep it low key so they have enough energy left to go trick or treating!!
Have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Halloween!!!

Mrs. MacIntyre

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