Friday, January 20, 2017

                         K-3 Newsletter
                         Mrs. MacIntyre
January 20,2017
Dear Families,
Our field trip to the Bristol Audubon Society is coming up this Wednesday, January 27th. I have parent volunteers already to go.. thank you in advance for coming.  I am not sure what the weather will be like so,please be sure to dress your child accordingly to the weather that day. We will be taking a nature walk and looking for animal prints in the snow, if there is any. Please send your child with boots that day. If there is snow then send snow clothes.
For the field trip also please send your child with a PAPER BAG LUNCH no lunchboxes please. This way you do not have to worry about it getting left behind in Bristol.  Please do not send peanut butter in your child’s lunch bag for the field trip as we will all be eating together picnic style.
We will not be having snack before we leave in the morning so PLEASE make sure your child has a big breakfast as we will not be eating lunch until around 11:30 or 12:00 p.m. At school, we usually have morning snack at around 9:45 and lunch at 11:00!! Yikes!
Our letter of the week was “Yy”. Our tongue twister was, “Yolanda and Yazmin yell for yellow yo-yo’s.”
In Writer’s Workshop, we have been retelling and writing about the characters in many Jan Brett books we have been reading.
We have also been discussing and identifying vowels. The students are finding the vowels in their names and connecting them to the number of syllables in their names. Good job kindergarteners!
In math, we introduced subtraction (within 5). We are using manipulatives to see how when you subtract you end up with less than you started with. We can not use food in school to demonstrate subtraction, however, at home you can use raisins, cheerios, goldfish or anything like to provide a great visual for your child.
Thank you all so much for sending beach towels in.. that is very helpful!! I am sending them home to be washed, just send them back again on Monday Thank you!
Please continue with the homework books and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Have a fabulous weekend.

Mrs. MacIntyre

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