Thursday, November 5, 2015

 K-3 Newsletter
                          Mrs. MacIntyre

Dear Families,
November 6, 2015

Happy November! I hope you all had a Happy Halloween. I know the students were very excited! For those of you who were able to attend the Scarecrow festival at Godena Farm you enjoyed a real treat! The entire school did such a wonderful job creating scarecrows. It is so nice to see everyone working together and enjoying the event.
We had a great trip to the Jamestown Fire station. As usual, the fire fighters opened their doors and their trucks and let the students explore to their fullest content. We are lucky to live in such a wonderful community where people take time out of their busy schedules to welcome us. K-3 wrote thank you notes to the Jamestown fire station. This writing ties nicely into our new month of November as we will about Thanksgiving, Native Americans and Pilgrims. I am using Thanksgiving to also talk about what it means to be thankful and how important the words thank you are in our everyday lives.
We will be collecting canned goods for the Jamestown Food Bank here in K-3. You may start sending your canned and boxed food items at any time. We will also be walking to McQuades on November 20th to buy a food item for Thanksgiving Baskets to be donated to families in need.
I ask that you have your child do some chores around the house to earn $1.00 to $2.00 to spend at the grocery store. Your child can use coins to pay. He or she will not need more than $2.00 at the most!!
Please send the coins in a labeled bag with the amount and your child’s name on the bag. We will be cutting out items from the McQuades flyer. Each student will be responsible for finding and buying a specific item to put into the Thanksgiving basket. They will even be responsible for carrying it back to school! I think this gives the student a real feeling of helping others and it is important for them to know that even though the are small they can help others.
I have sent home conference reminder times. Please let me know if you will not be able to make your conference. Also please remember the conference time is only 15 minutes long. It is a time for you to ask me any questions you may have about your child. If we find that you need more time, we can set up another time to meet. I am happy to do that.

In other news, out letter of the week was, “Mm.” Our tongue twister was, “Marcus and Michelle munch marshmallows.” In writer’s workshop the students are beginning to respond to prompts, answer independently and are learning about proper punctuation. I hope you enjoyed the October writing folders that I sent home. You can see how your child is growing already!
In math, we continued with addition within 5 and are also working on 2-D and 3-D shapes.
In science, we are observing leaves and are learning new vocabulary to describe how leaves are the same and different. Trees and weather has been a very exciting science unit especially given all of the changes that are taking place right outside our window.
I think the students are enjoying all the observations and walks that we have taken in the past month.
I am looking forward to meeting with all of you next Monday and Tuesday. Please remember there is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday November 11th  in honor of Veterans Day.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs. MacIntyre

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