Friday, October 2, 2015

         K-3  Newsletter
                                          Mrs MacIntyre
October 2, 2015
Dear families,
Happy October!
First of all, I would like to thank all of you who were able to come to Open House on Wednesday night. It was great to see you and I hope that you enjoyed seeing your child's classroom. I appreciate having such kind and supportive parents. I love being a kindergarten teacher and it makes my job even more rewarding when families are supportive. I feel like we are going to have a wonderful year together.
If you were not able to come to Open House or you forgot to sign up for a conference, please send me a note in the blue book so we can arrange one. I have afternoon slots for Monday, November 9th available. Conferences lasts approximately 15 minutes. If you have anything pressing you would like to talk with me about please feel free to come in. I am here by 7:30 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Just let me know.
This week our letter of the week was “Dd”. Our tongue twister was “David and Dominique dance with Dalmations.” We began journaling in our Science Notebooks. We are observing and taking data on trees and leaves. I was at a Science training on September 29th. learning about our new science curriculum. I am scheduled to go to another training on October 6th, so I will be out that day also. The class will have the same substitute as last week.
In math, we talked about 5 frames and 10 frames. The students had to color the correct number of frames to match a number. We also practiced naming and identifying shapes including the hexagon!
In our Writer’s Workshop, we worked with our Being a Writer program and read wrote about things we like to do with our families and  we also learned how to label pictures. I am excited about the progress the students are making already! Our Writer’s Workshop is already lasting about 5 minutes longer than it did in September.
We finished up our Eric Carle author study. I really enjoy reading his books and I told the class my favorite book by Eric Carle is Walter the Baker. The class loved it!
This month, we will read a lot of books about autumn, pumpkins and foliage. We will also learn about fire safety and visit the Jamestown Fire Station.
Thank you all for the donations of tissues and Lysol wipes. I will definitely put them to good use!
Enjoy your weekend. Keep sending in those awesome signs of autumn!


Mrs. MacIntyre

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