Friday, October 16, 2015

     K-3 Newsletter
                    Mrs. MacIntyre                     
Dear Families,
October 16,2015
I hope you all had a nice long weekend. Since this was such a short week, this is just a quick note to let you know how our week went.
We are enjoying our Trees and Weather Unit very much. The class has “adopted” two trees on the playground. One is an Oak and the other a Maple. We will be watching how these two trees change over the course of the year. We even took pictures so we have data to show the changes. We have been reading a lot about the cycle of apple trees, so on Thursday we tasted Granny Smith, Cortland and Macoun apples. Ask your child which one was their favorite!
Our letter of the week was “Bb.” Our tongue twister was, “Brianna and Ben bounce beach balls.”
In Writer’s Workshop, we tried writing one short sentence with a period at the end of the sentence. The student’s wrote about things that are round after reading a book about shapes.
In math, we began learning about addition. We talked about what a plus sign and an equal sign look like. The students did a great job adding within 5. Practice at home with your child if you can. Do not worry about numbers being written in reverse right now. It will come in time.
On Monday, during Music with Literacy class, the Heiftez string group will be performing for all the kindergarten classes together at 9:15.
Mrs. Hosteltler and Mrs. Kauffman have asked that your child bring in one small stuffed animal from home to bring to the performance!
Have a nice weekend,
Mrs. MacIntyre

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